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AUGA – new generation organic farming

Our vision – affordable organic food in the most sustainable way.
AUGA group

It is Europe’s largest organic food producer from field to shelf. The group of companies manages approx. 38,000 ha of organically certified arable land and develops sustainable farming model, based on new technologies, specializing in crops, dairy cows, chicken and mushroom growing.

Using proprietary and contracted manufacturing, the company produces a wide range of organic food products for the end consumer as well as organic commodities purchasers.

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Throughout the year, the company grows 11,000 tons of white and brown champignons, portabella, eryngii, pleurotus and shiitake mushrooms in its own compost.

Crop growing

On 38,000 hectares of land, AUGA grows organic wheat and other crops, including organic vegetables and organic feed for livestock in its farms.

Livestock production

AUGA has approximately 3,500 dairy cows.

Poultry production

AUGA organic free-range chickens live in self sustained mobile chicken coops providing the best conditions for our birds.