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Responsible to nature and ourselves

We grow and prepare every AUGA product following our values:
Harmony - taking care of the soil,
Innovation - applying innovative technology,
Reliability - bringing together an ever evolving team.

How it grows


For us it is important that our food is organic and produced in sustainable way. Therefore, we take particular care of the land and do not contaminate it with any chemicals.
Instead, we naturally enrich it through crop rotation and feeding the soil with only organic fertilizers. This way, it becomes more fertile, resistant to weeds and erosion, so that we can proudly leave it to future generations.


In AUGA farms we use modern machinery, apply the latest organic farming technologies and improve them ourselves. We follow the closed loop principle – our activities supplement each other. Organic grain and plants are used for cattle feed and straw goes to mushroom compost. Livestock manure is used to fertilize crops and make compost. Later, it also becomes fertilizer for crops.


1 200. That many people in AUGA farms take care of crops, livestock and continuous improvement so that the food we grow brings joy to you.